Many of you may not have seen our Facebook post 2 1/2 weeks ago... that our Berkeley office was burglarized and all of our equipment (Computers, Hard Drives, Server, etc) which included 25 years of tireless work, organization, precious and priceless media is now GONE. The loss is truly immeasurable. Here are news articles/broadcast links (the surveillance video has been viewed 26,000 times on social media alone):
NBC piece (it may take a bit to load)
Berkeleyside Article
GOOD NEWS is coming...we will be sending another newsletter next week,
stay tuned...
For those of you who did know...I really appreciate your kind thoughts and good wishes and hope you’ll pardon such a delay in responding to your messages and very generous donations—I’m still in shock and heartbroken, but as HHDL says, “Never Give Up” and yes of course we will continue. That said...
- We will be closing our doors at Parker Plaza and going into storage until I can figure out what’s next. When they took the server, the heartbeat was ripped out of Frame of Mind Films. Everything that drives our work was enshrined there and without it, it's a large hill to climb to pull back the information and resources that was the foundation of our business. 25 years of databases—contacts, media, logs, interview transcriptions, releases, contracts, permissions, artwork, web files, archives of past project, materials …and on. Basically we are dead in the water for now.
- Sadly, the police have said that even though they have the man in the surveillance tape, they do not yet have the woman, nor any leads on where my equipment is. They don't hold out much hope for it's return, and even if it is found, by now it is most likely wiped ready for sale as 'used.'
- Ironically, we had just locked picture on our film, ready to begin the on-line so everything was being prepped for back-up, including the server. The back-ups were to be completed and moved off-site again after the weekend. As it is, they took everything including all the back-ups in the early hours of Monday morning. Restoring the LTOs would be no problem, just time consuming and costly. Finding the funds to do that is probably more than I can muster at the moment.
- Additional post-production costs for us to finish our Feature Length Documentary about His Holiness in time to Premiere in October
- Extensive time and the costs it will take to recover and restore all our digital assets
- Replacement equipment: Hard Drives, Computers, Server, etc.
If you are able, please consider making a tax-deductible donation to Frame of Mind Films by clicking the button below.
We are all so very grateful for the donations that we have already received, along with your kind words and the sharing of our story.